DateNovember 18, 2010 (Thursday)
Time18:00 - 19:00
SpeakerDr. David Mole
ModeratorVictoria F. Caplan
VenueLibrary Gallery (G /F), HKUST Library


About the Talk

Do you love mysteries and puzzles? Do you thrill to tales of action and adventure? These literary genres are often ignored on university campuses. However, on November 18th things will be different.

David Mole, HKUSTs Associate Provost (Teaching and Learning) talked about some of his favorite reading: mysteries like those of Sherlock Holmes, and Inspector Maigret, and adventures like Patrick OBrians Aubrey-Maturin series.

Through vivid commentary and fun examples, he shared what he enjoys about these books, and how they deepened and widened his love of reading. Both long-time fan of mysteries and adventure stories, and people new to these genres, found his talk illuminating and enjoyable.

David talking

Murder on the High Seas: The Joy of Reading [streaming video]

About the Speaker

Dr. David Mole portrait

Dr. David Mole received his BA from Cambridge University before moving to Canada for Post-graduate study. There, he earned a Masters degree from the University of British Columbia and a PhD at the University of Toronto.

After teaching at a number of universities in Canada and working as an economist for the Ontario government, he moved to Hong Kong in 1989.

David joined HKUST in 2005, where his main role has been to support the development of undergraduate education, especially the implementation of the four-year degree. In addition to a keen interest in sport and physical fitness, David has a life-long addiction to the pleasures and rewards of reading.

For enquiry, please contact Victoria Caplan at 2358-6786.



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