Beat Stick

Adityajian (HKUST)
Yuan Tianjian (HKUST)
Lv Jinwei (CAA)
Hu lin (CAA)

Beat Stick is a health care stick designed for elderly who struggle with heart problem. As there is a heart sensor inside the stick connects to a LED light, which changes color according to heart rate of the elderly, the sensor can detect the heart situation of elderly. When there is a emergency heart problem such as “Heart attack”, “Coronary heart disease” happen suddenly, the elderly can take the pill from our stick easily since there is a pill box inside. Also, there is a GPS inside, which can be a good reference if the elderly have a severe pain and etc. Since there is a growing number of elderly in the world, a health care stick is necessary in order to help the elderly and their family.

Beat Stick是專門為心臟不好的老人設計的一款個人健康護理拐杖。拐杖內部設有感應器,能夠實時監測老人的心臟狀況,感應器連接LED燈,會隨著不同的健康狀況出現不同顏色的燈光,以可視化的形式直觀展現老人的心臟健康狀況。當老人身體不適時,可以打開拐杖內的應急藥盒做緊急處理。如果狀況較為嚴重,按下拐杖內的緊急按鈕,拐杖內的GPS系統可以將老人現有的位置信息發送給家人,及時就醫診治。老人的身體狀況日漸衰弱,即便是家人也不能隨時陪伴在身旁,這一款健康護理拐杖可以幫助家人及時照看老人的身體狀況。

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